Serving children and adults with Down syndrome, autism and other developmental disabilities



ACDS is dedicated to providing lifetime resources of exceptional quality, innovation and inclusion for individuals with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities and their families.


ACDS seeks to be widely recognized as a leader in the field of Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities by its commitment to quality, innovation and empowerment.


ACDS embodies five core values, as follows


To empower all individuals with Down syndrome and developmental disabilities to achieve their greatest potential; to treat our consumers and their families with respect, understanding and compassion; and to build collaboration, teamwork and trust throughout our organization.



To pursue excellence passionately; to be sure that quality is a concern in every activity; and to be flexible and willing to try new things.


To act professionally and honestly at all times; to demonstrate truthfulness and reliability in everything we do; and to adhere without exception to this statement of values.


To be highly visible as a leadership organization in the field of Down syndrome and related developmental disabilities; to have local, regional and national repute for the quality, sensitivity and innovation of our programs and activities; and to advocate effectively and continuously for full integration and inclusion in society of all individuals with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.


To be an exemplary member of the larger community of individuals and organizations interested in, and concerned about, the field of Down syndrome and related developmental disabilities; to work cooperatively and collegially with other organizations in this field; and to contribute positively to the local communities in which we work.